Gilbert Diatkine is a psychiatrist, full member and a former president of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society and of the Training Commission of the Institute of Psychoanalysis. He is also associate director of the Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe (PIEE). His many published papers deal mainly with issues concerning violence and aggressiveness, both in the individual and in conflicts between people's. In that field he has developed Freud's concept of the cultural superego. Since moral conscience is a superego function and in fact an unconscious superego function, the first idea that arises to explain its failure is that the superego is extremely oversensitive to the vicissitudes of narcissism. The person talking to the author is a cultural affairs expert. Having fully explained to him the 'Croatian cravat' torture invented by the Serbs, he adds that some young history-of-art students at Zagreb University.