Primary and intelligence factors is initially disappointing, it was interesting to note that at the second order there were two factors - decision time and movement time - which define a third order, despite the problems of accurate location of the factor at this order: general response speed or 'chronometric t'. The salient factor with fluid intelligence is decision time rather than movement time. However, a correlation of 0.40 is not enough to allow it to be used as a possible measure of fluid ability. Indeed, its highest correlation is with perceptual speed. Perceptual speed correlated 0.6 with chronometric t, the third-order factor. It is possible these perceptual speed tests are essentially measuring chrono- metric t but are overlain with variance connected with the actual materials, letters and words of the test items. Factor was clearly a speed factor, loading highly on all the AGARD speed measures. Only one of the CAB primary factors loaded this speed factor.