Sometimes global priorities and targets do not coincide with national ones. Indeed, this may be one of the major reasons why the United Nations is not as effective as many people would wish. However, since the end of the Second World War, the extent of integration of societies and cultures has fundamentally altered perceptions of sovereignty and national interest. Today, more than ever, it is difficult to separate national from international affairs since many local events have ramifications that extend far beyond national borders. Moreover, non-State actors, especially non-govemmental organizations, play an increasingly important role in shaping policies internationally. Also, the drastically altered geopolitical environment, especially since the end of the cold war, has changed substantially the significance of groupings such as the Non-Aligned Movement and the East-West blocs. As a result, rather than nation-States, regions will play an increasingly important role and it is hoped that it will be easier to build common understandings to bridge the gap between national and global priorities and targets. The trend towards regionalization should also be exploited by the United Nations. It is for this reason that we attach such importance in our proposals for a Second Generation United Nations to giving more responsibility to established regional institutions like OSCE. Along with this trend, the United Nations is called upon to take on an increasing number of wide-ranging tasks. Yet, in order to act effectively internationally, the Organization must be funded properly and countries must accept that the work of the United Nations is in every nation’s interest. The end of the cold 115war offers a unique historical opportunity to reap the benefits of a peace dividend by diverting resources away from military purposes towards United Nations work on peace and development. This has not yet happened. Any reform of the United Nations system which fails to address the chronic financial crisis that it has been experiencing over the years will not succeed. Acceptance of United Nations restructuring by Member States will be the test of whether the gap between national and global priorities and targets can be bridged.