Research with undocumented Guatemalan refugee women in Los Angeles presents an unusual challenge for the researcher. This chapter is a synopsis of the research methodology and experiences of conducting research with mostly undocumented Guatemalan refugee women in Los Angeles. A description of the interview process and a profile of the women interviewed are provided. Wayne A. Cornelius has pointed out that data on undocumented populations like Guatemalans are often sparse. Guatemalans, Salvadorans, and Haitians are unique immigrant populations in the United States because their refugee experience is combined with an undocumented status. The following issues, related to the methodology used in conducting research with undocumented Guatemalan refugee women are addressed: combining an undocumented status with a refugee experience; locating, accessing, and entering the research community; and maintaining contact with a transient population. The non-Mayan refugee women were almost all members of two employment-related organizations.