Osiris, the son of the goddess of the heavens, Nut, and the earth god, Sebk, cohabited with his sister Isis, while still in their mother’s womb. He became ruler over Egypt and traveled through the country, mitigating wild customs and introducing agriculture and civilization. From the dead Osiris Isis conceived Horus who went forth as his father’s avenger and conquered Set and his accomplices. After the father’s death a state of bellum omnium contra omnes followed, which would last just as long as it took for the emergence of a new leader who had succeeded either in killing off the other brothers in the clan or in forcing them back into the group. By repeating the act of sucking in the theophagy of eating the father, the countercathexis of the father’s corpse was created as a basis of the first inhibition of the Oedipus complex.