Burmese culture, like many others, includes some cultural systems related to the domain of male-female relations. The methodological observation stems from the fact that this Burmese ideology is one variant of a generic ideology that is very widespread. There are a good many societies whose gender ideologies hold that females are virtually sexually insatiable, that their genitalia are harmful for males. Although the Ideology of the Superior Male has little empirical support, that males internalize this cultural system is hardly surprising inasmuch as it serves their self-interest. The extraordinary strength of the female libido is dangerous for males because it allegedly drives the females to sexual infidelity. Females are sexually dangerous for males not only because of their sexual physiology, but also because of their sexual anatomy. A complete explanation for the brevity of male sexual behavior must be capable of explaining that motive, because the latter explanation also is one part of the explanation for their sexual anxiety.