Nadine Gordimer was born on November 20, 1923; Springs, near Johannesburg, South Africa. Gordimer's father had no interest in civic affairs, but her mother took an active role in the community, particularly associating with the Scots Presbyterians. A Guest of Honour and the novels that follow reveal Gordimer exploring alternatives to the failed Forsterian liberal humanism. The relationship between literature and politics is a subject to which Gordimer has necessarily given considerable thought, and her views are complex. She is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the American Academy of Literature and Arts. She also became convinced that 'inspirational' literature is superior to the ironical or the satirical, and this seems to have made some difference in the tone of her writing. Through her writings, Gordimer has illuminated the troubled history of South Africa with unparalleled clarity, sensitivity, honesty, and art.