Paul Joseph Goebbels was born on October 29, 1897 at Germany. He finished his studies in 1921 at the University of Heidelberg. Money was scarce, and Goebbels survived on odd jobs and generous loans from the Catholic Albertus Magnus Society. In 1922, Goebbels joined the Nazi Party (NSDAP), in which his keen political instincts, shameless opportunism, and genuine charisma propelled him to the top. Goebbels was the propaganda master of the Nazi regime. One of the few intellectuals in the Party leadership, Goebbels was largely responsible for the success of the Nazi program. Goebbels was now in charge of Germany's news media, cinemas, art, music, and culture, and, at thirty-five, he was the youngest member of Hitler's cabinet. Goebbels was not without enemies in the Party. One in particular was Alfred Rosenberg, the powerful Nazi ideologue. Goebbels was not without enemies in the Party. One in particular was Alfred Rosenberg, the powerful Nazi ideologue.