The disagreement about the Brest-Litovsk peace lasted several weeks and assumed a sharp character for several days. The conflict on the trade-union question was more sharp and protracted. The very sharpness of this disagreement was an expression of the fact that the economy of the country had arrived in a blind alley. The real Marxian policy began only after the dispersal of the Moscow insurrection-approximately with the elections to the first State Duma. Martinov now contrasts Bolshevism with 'Trotskyism', using exactly the same arguments with which twenty years ago he contrasted Menshevism with 'Trotskyism'. The preparation of the October insurrection, the insurrection itself, the creation of the government, the creation of the Red Army, the civil war, the four congresses of the Communist International, all the literary work on Communist propaganda, the work of leadership of the foreign communist parties.