The wrong political course and the organizational repression is carried over with its full force, and often indeed with increased force, into the League of Communist Youth. For positions of leadership in the Communist youth organization, the party apparatus demands first of all 'obedience', and readiness to bait the opposition. The proletarian part of the lower organizations, the fundamentally healthy part, is deprived of all individuality by this regime. The League of Communist Youth in the country is more and more losing its proletarian and poor peasant support. Its cultural economic work in the country is pushing principally along the line of developing individual undertakings. The relative weight of the poor is systematically falling everywhere-in the general composition of the rural locals, in the active staff, in the nucleus composed of party members. In the party nuclei of the rural organizations, the middle peasants are rapidly gaining at the expense of the farm-hands and the poor peasants.