Stalin Falsifies History, written in 1927, presents the beginning of the distorting process by which Stalin secured his position, and defeated a range of attitudes, many more benign than his own, towards the future of the Revolution. Hundreds of comrades have asked Trotsky again and again why he continue silent in the face of a perfectly outrageous falsification directed against me of the history of the October Revolution, and the history of our party. Trotsky certainly does not intend here to exhaust the topic of these falsifications. The organs of your bureau, like many other publications, are trying at this late date to describe my work during the war as coming close to 'social patriotism'. In this attempt they 'forget' that collection of my writings during the war, entitled War and Revolution, published in many editions during Lenin's life, studied in the party schools, and appeared in foreign translation among the publications of the Communist International.