This chapter discusses the concept of well-being in relation to the introduction of school psychological consultation services. In salutogenic theory, there are forces called generalized resource deficits that move toward the disease end of the continuum and generalized resistance resources (GRR) that move toward the well-being end of the continuum. GRRs help individuals cope, avoid or combat stressors and strengthen their sense of coherence. Interprofessional teams have a long history in Swedish schools, but the teams now proposed to integrate two parallel services (school health care and psychosocial care) with special education into one system, student health and well-being (SHW). It is the responsibility of the principal to involve the SHW teams when an individual student is not attaining academic objectives. Principals need the SHW team to scrutinize facilitators and barriers to health promotion work. More practice in consultation may open up opportunities for more research and a closer link between academic research and school-based consultation evaluations and developmental work.