This chapter presents three cases of dam construction projects: Bili-Bili, Atatrk, and Miyagase dam. In the case of the Bili-Bili Dam, many who moved to resettlement areas hundreds of kilometers away returned to near the reservoir within a few years after the initial resettlement. Some of them returned because of the hardships in the resettlement areas, but others decided to return despite having relatively better living conditions compared with their original homes. In the Anatolia region, where the Atatrk Dam is located, human relationships among relatives are intimate and emotional attachments to the land are strong, making the emotional impact of resettlement significant. It is possible that low-profile and often intangible emotional support provided to residents who are displaced by dam projects actually has the effect of making future resettlement projects go more smoothly. The resettlement area is located close to tourist areas, so they enjoyed many opportunities for employment other than farming, and were able to increase their income.