Ҟ໽ᮽϞ៥ϡ㟦᳡ˈ᠔ҹ㒭㒣⧚ᠧњϔϾ⬉䆱䇈៥ϡ㛑এϞ⧁˗ৃᰃ㒣 ⧚䇈ेՓ៥ϡ㟦᳡гᕫএˈ಴ЎҞ໽᳝ϔϾᕜ䞡㽕ⱘӮˈ៥ᖙ乏খࡴDŽ ᠔ҹሑㅵ៥༈⮐ᕫ㽕ੑˈ䖬ᰃএϞ⧁њDŽ(Note that гᕫএ shows a future event from the manager’s point of view, whereas এϞ⧁њ shows a past event from the narrator’s point of view.) Jīntiān zǎoshàng wǒ bù shūfú, suǒyǐ gěi jīnglǐ dǎ le yī ge diànhuà shuō wǒ bù néng qù shàng bān; kěshì jīnglǐ shuō jíshǐ wǒ bù shūfú yě děi qù, yīnwèi jīntiān yǒu yī ge hěn zhòngyào de huì, wǒ bìxū cānjiā. Suǒyǐ jǐnguǎn wǒ tóu téng de yàomìng, háishì qù shàngbān le. This morning I did not feel well, so I called my manager and told him that I could not go to work. But the manager said that even so (even if I was not feeling well), I would have to go to work, because there was going to be a very important meeting that I must attend. Therefore, even though I had a terrible headache, I still went to work.