For example, the Chinese sentence for ‘I like Li Xiaolan very much; however, she does not know’ cannot be ៥ᕜ୰⃶ᴢᇣ݄ˈैཌྷϡⶹ䘧. One can either say ৃᰃཌྷϡⶹ䘧 or ཌྷैϡⶹ䘧.

Therefore, a common mistake learners must avoid is to use ै and ৃᰃ (or Ԛᰃϡ䖛) interchangeably. Since ৃᰃ is a conjunction, and ै is an adverb, each occupies a different location in a sentence in terms of word order. In other words, they do not replace each other, but can coexist.