If the object is indefi nite, the pattern ‘䅽 something 㒭 someone’ is often used.

៥᳝Ѩᓴ⧗䌯ⱘ⼼ˈৃᰃ៥ᆊা᳝ϝϾҎˈ᠔ҹ៥ህ䅽њϸᓴ㒭 ᴢᯢˈ಴ЎҪা᳝ϔᓴ⼼ˈৃᰃҪⱘϸϾܓᄤг䛑ᛇএⳟ䖭എ ↨䌯DŽ(䅽 in this sentence does not say Li Ming received the tickets for free or had to pay for them.) Wǒ yǒu wǔ zhāng qiúsài de piào, kěshì wǒ jiā zhǐ yǒu sān ge rén, suǒyǐ wǒ jiù ràng le liǎng zhāng gěi Lǐ Míng, yīnwèi tā zhǐ yǒu yī zhāng piào, kěshì tā de liǎng ge érzi yě xiǎng qù kàn zhè chǎng bǐsài. I had fi ve tickets for the ball game, but there are only three people in my family, so I gave up two of my tickets (and let Li Ming have them), because he only had one ticket, but both of his sons wanted to see this game, too.