This chapter talks about the typology of dancers, typified by the ideal types of 'professionals', 'pragmatists' and 'strategists'. It describes the demographic information to each 'type' demonstrating that the variety of women in strip work reflects the array of demographics of the dancing community. The chapter explains that strip work only represents 'career' professionals or dead-end job pragmatists for a minority of women, whilst for the majority of dancer's strategists, strip work comprised one of many life strategies for future-orientated aspirations and desires. It analyzes the divergent reason why women engage in labour in strip-based entertainment sector. This chapter examines the demographic make up of women working in the stripping industry. It discusses the seven-point typology of dancer engagement on a wider political economy approach, taking into account women's motivations for stripping, their broader social context and understanding of the work and the uses to which stripping is 'put'.