Culturally Satricum was as close to Campania as to Latium, a fact reflected especially in the architecture of its archaic temple. The site has a low acropolis at its eastern end some 300 m across, while the entire distance across the site from the River Astura, which flows below the acropolis, to the agger which protected the town's western approach is on the order of 1 km. This chapter discusses the settlement of Satricum in the seventh century and its houses. Above the seventh-century layer and immediately subsequent to it is the phase of archaic development of the acropolis dated by the excavators as beginning at the end of the seventh century. There is a recognizable temple facing the pond in the center of the site, and behind the oikos another building aligned with it and referred to as the sacellum. At the same time small isolated rectangular buildings joined the larger courtyard establishments in the same area.