This chapter presents the Lacanian analyst the place of the Other: the third party witness to truth, the guarantor of good faith whom people will always invoke when they address themselves to someone in an effort at coinciding with what is absolutely true. H.-T. Piron defines the analyst's role for us as follows: The psychoanalyst is nothing by himself. He is the one through whom the analysand addresses himself to the other in order to have the truth of his message recognized and to have it translated there where it hides in the cipher-language of discourse. The psychoanalyst loses his role as a model for the analysand. The Oedipus complex introduces a triadic relationship between analyst and analysand, with Society as its third term. In this same movement, the analysand is progressively dispossessed of all the forms of his ego in which he has constructed himself in the imaginary through successive identifications with mirror images of his being.