The negative attitudes toward homosexuality found in churches reflect the prevalent in the larger society. This chapter discusses the positions several denominations have taken regarding the ordination of gay men and lesbians to offices of leadership. It describes some of the Biblical material that Protestant and Roman Catholic churches have used to refuse ordination to homosexual men and women. The chapter examines several personal issues facing gay and lesbian religious leaders in the practice of ministry. The majority of Protestant denominations and the Roman Catholic Church justify their refusal to ordain self-affirming homosexual men and women by citing several passages of Scripture. Biblical passages commonly appealed to in the debate may be classified as follows: homosexual behavior between consenting adults Lev. 18:22, Lev. 20:13, and Rom. 1:26–27, homosexual rape Gen. 19:1–29 and homosexual behavior in general I Cor. 6:9–10 and I Tim. 1:9–10.