Let us represent by b;(t), i E!, the output of the i element of the "!" subpopulation at time t. The activity of thej element of the "J" subpopulation, call it ~(t), is determined by the outputs of the units in "!", and an exogenous input, 0(t). Formally,

dd X;(t) = -a(t)x;(t) + L Mthy(t) + cit) (xiii)t iEI for eachj E J, where 1/a(t) is an "instantaneous decay time" (a(t) ~ 0 for all t), and Yij(t) is the synaptic or coupling strength for the i E ! to j E J contact. The exogenous input to "J" is a pattern in the sense that it takes the form

and ~ ~ 0 for all j E J. l/;(t) is the input intensity at time t, and may vary arbitrarily during the learning period.