O r maybe it's " m y son ran away from h o m e " and it's a fami ly organizat ion problem that is presented. So the problem can be presented in any level . Commun i ca t i on includes feelings, of course-" I have so much anxiety I just can't stand it . . . something has to happen here ! " We ' re a l lowed to make those communica t ions . There's nothing wrong with our belief system. So if you see Albert Ellis, he says, " N o no, this is the p r o b l e m " [referring to " be l i e f s " on the overhead-Il lustrat ion 2]. If you see M o r e n o , this is the problem [referring to " r o l e s " on the overhead-Il lustrat ion 2]. If you see Jay Haley , this is the problem [referring to " f ami l y structure" on the overhead-Il lustration 2]. If you see Fritz Perls, this is the prob lem [referring to " commun ica t ion "—I l l us t r a t i on 2]. Eric Berne w o u l d certainly emphas ize this level of commun ica t ion being the prob lem. Each therapist tends to favor a certain posit ion on how to interpret the diff iculty and all of them are right because through their successful interventions they have to shift everything.