As an example for this hypothetical person, let's use words l ike, say, dominant behavior and fr iendly-dominant behavior and that w h i c h is hosti le-dominant. Then we can ask, does this person generally have dominanthostile behavior a imed at a spouse w h o has submissive-hostile behavior , such as self-effacement [Illustration 6]? This w o u l d be like M o h a m m e d Ali saying all the t ime he can do things better than you can . That is dominant and hostile. A n d people p lay ing complementary roles wi th h im (e.g., a wife, especially) w i l l l ikely be self-effacing: " O h , you are right, you do things better. I w ish I cou ld do things as we l l as y o u . " There are on ly two choices here. Either he and his wife w o u l d relate rec iprocal ly in that d o m - inant/self-effacing manner or she wou ld behave dominant ly as he does and they wou ld mutual ly cr i t ic ize a third person. A n d in that case, G o d help their ch i ldren . Probably what happens in his fami ly is that the men are elevated and the w o m e n d imin ished so that the boy w i l l be as good as D a d : " W e men are so pretty, we deserve two watches, and you don' t deserve any. A n d just ask us if you want to know the t i m e ! "