I wou ld expect to see many w o m e n score in this L, M , N , or O area because it is cultural ly expected of w o m e n . A n d if a w o m a n doesn't then I wou ld wonder why not. That is, how d id this unique indiv idual manage to overcome family pressure and cultural pressure? O r was it that the fami ly d id not expect that at all? In wh i ch case, why was the family being u n c o m - mon? Was it a healthy rebel l ion from sexist cultural norms or was it a perceived inabil ity of the family to comp l y with the culture's trends? If she d id , in fact, seem friendly but d id not score that way, or v ice versa, is her self-image different from my observation of her? O r is my observation really wrong? D id I miss something or is she different with me than she is out there? That val idat ion of observation is what really makes this checkl ist helpful .