N o w , back to the exercise. What happens if you speak alternately about the same topic? You fixate attention on that topic . I want you to try that first as you rotate around, letting each person in your triad have an opportunity to play each role. So person one is therapist, and person two and three are spouses (or two other family members). Then rotate. A n d then person two be the therapist, and the other two be the family members. Then rotate again, so everyone gets a chance to try saying it and do ing it and feel ing how it feels to be in that situation. I also want you to try the other things. Inform the person that you may speak at the same t ime and that he or she should cont inue talking if you do . Spend 5 0 % of your t ime talking alternately and 5 0 % of your t ime talking at the same t ime, about the same and/or different topics. You are going to talk for about three minutes here for each rotation, but that w i l l be enough for you to compare your experiences wi th the different roles and different possibi l i t ies. I am prescr ibing that the cl ient begin to show sadness, the reason being that if the cl ient were feel ing happiness he might have to talk about it. This way the cl ient w i l l be passive.