This w o m a n had a diff iculty th inking that her friend had told Dr. Erickson that both her parents had ki l led themselves but no one had. He apparently just proceeded in his customary getting-down-to-business manner. You know, "Is it bigger than a bread box? O k a y . " A n d then Erickson dealt wi th what was obv ious , her attitude (conveyed nonverbal ly , most likely) of "I don' t want to be with this o ld person here . " He surely investigated the magnitude of that, watch ing and guided by the woman ' s responses. You cou ld do the same kind of thing if it's worth it. If the person won ' t talk to you about the problem and you really want to help in some way, you cont inue trying that 20 questions metaphor maneuver and c losely monitor the ideomotor responses of identif ication or disagreement ev idenced by the people l istening to you .