S: A n d she had moved back home three months earlier when she had graduated from the university. A n d her mother was very contro l l ing. A n d she felt that contro l . The mother even cr i t ic ized Candy for being submissive to her. A n d the humor and the irony of that were lost on Candy as she related how the mother angrily had stormed into her room and was cr i t i c iz ing her, tel l ing her that " Y o u shouldn' t let other people tell you what to d o . " A n d the paradox was certainly lost on that mother. A n d so she thought it was just a co inc idence that the headaches had started when she moved back home after col lege to dec ide what she was going to do with her life. But she had to admit that with a p i l l ow over her head to deal with the migraine headache, it was very diff icult for her to be reached, even by that intrusive mother and overly involved father. It's not very easy to talk to someone with a p i l l ow over your head. Because when you take time for yourself, even when you have to take a migraine headache to bed with you to do it, it a l lows a good bit of privacy and an opportunity to do a lot of th inking about something. Maybe you are not even aware of what you are th inking of, maybe it's not important.