In planning for a day of group activities, several concerns need to be addressed. First, an elimination of distractions is essential toward helping the group members maintain a focus upon the group activity. Staff and/or clients who are constantly coming in or going out of the group room become disruptive to the group and lead to frustration. Some clients have difficulty concentrating to begin with and constant movement and change makes it even more difficult to attend to the group activity. Some settings are not conducive to the needs of these clients. Outside noise (i.e., children playing, sirens, street traffic, etc.) may make it difficult for some to concentrate. Inside noise (i.e., heaters, air conditioners, telephones, etc.) can also be a disturbing factor. Having a view of outside activity through windows or doors may cause some members to loose their concentration. Being aware of these issues and planning to avoid as many distractions as possible will aid in the smooth functioning of all group activities.