The Central Nervous System (CNS) is usually considered as an organ in which neurons actively respond to specific stimuli from the external environment, and other neurons control muscles acting upon the environment . The link between the two is formed by a highly efficient spatio-temporal neural network within which an adaptive signal processing goes on, involving memory storage and information retrieval. Adaptability means the ability of a spatio-temporal neural network architecture to actively respond to the stimuli originating from complex-valued tempered distributions T representing physi-

cal objects in the environment in which the network is embedded in such a way that network performance is improved. This view of stimulus-evoked neuron responses. however, is not adequately characterized as a passive reaction of neurons to stimuli. It implicitly presupposes the knowledge of an internal sensory order ([95, 9]) and an internally generated deterministic chaotic activity pattern ([88]) of perceptual coding. In this view, the role of neurodynamical activity is to create in an adaptive way an internal sensOl'y representation of individual situations occurring in the environment that serves to control motor output.