The realization Mp(l,R) C U(L2 (R)) is ealled the oseillator or metapleetie representation (W, L 2 (R)) of Mp(l, R). In terms of the projeetor Mp(l, R) 3 0->---* 0' E SL(2, R), the eovarianee identity ([96, 74, 75]) reads

Wü 0 U1(w,z) 0 Wü-1 = U1(0'(w),z), W E C, zER. Basic Covariance Principle. Changes in coherent neural wavelets performed by the action of the ulJitary opera t 01' Wü in L 2(R) induce changes of the neural hologl'a,ms in terms of the area preserving lineal' mapping 0' E SL(2, R).