Initiation and duration of treatment are most important. A t the first conference i n Copenhagen 5 years ago, the issue was m u c h debated whether neuropsychological rehabilitation should be initiated as soon as possible, promoting bra in work and preventing immediate and accidental compensatory mechanisms that might prove destructive. The view of early rehabilitation has gained support, and seems today close to worldwide acceptance. The question of durat ion of treatment is st i l l debated. Vis ions i n this respect could be treatment provided wi th in a time frame, wi th a follow-up of contact that could provide emotional stability and advice inc luding supervision of social reorganization. The ma in advantage would be that the brain-injured person would not need to change allies i n h is or her rehabilitative efforts. A n attempt according to this model has been adapted at our Center, and we believe it has strongly added to the generally good outcome that has been obtained. The fear that neuropsychologists might be overwhelmed by the brain-injured person's needs has been dissipated. The system, w i th its inherent security, seems to strengthen the wish of brain-injured persons to manage on their own terms.