Cebus style of manipulation differs from that of macaques on another dimension too: the frequency of a. s. performed in the same unit of time. Differences between cebus and macaques in categorizing objects through manipulation, directly reflect their different patterns of dealing with the objects they act upon. Primary mouth schemata increase in macaque and decrease in cebus, while secondary schemata show the opposite trend. In the youngest cebus these schemata are already 18 times as frequent as in the youngest macaques, and such a wide difference becomes larger with increasing age. They increase regularly in cebus from Age 1 to Age 2, to Age 3, while they virtually disappear in Macaques, passing from 48 occurrences at Age 1 to 11 at Age 2. In cebus Visual exploration and Secondary schemata show a much wider excursion than Primary schemata, accounting for most of the differences among objects.