So far we have proceeded by categorizing each woman in terms of a single relationship between her aspiration for the future and her experience of real situations. For some a changed situation was the result of her own aspirations in a structured context, for others aspirations were adapted to a changed situation, and so on. This has assumed that there is a single relationship. In all cases this is never true in every detail. For those who intervened to actualize their intentions there are other influences at work, as was seen with Agatha (see page 186). For those who bend with the situation, aspects of ambition remain in play as the case of Sarah Brown illustrated (see page 199). It has, however, been possible to characterize each woman’s experience in terms of a dominant relationship between aspiration and situation over the research period. We now turn to thirteen cases where the dominant feature is the interaction of aspiration and situation in a more complex manner. This interaction can be restricted to one area of life such as work or personal relationships but more often is complicated by a further interaction between different areas of life such as ramifications of boyfriend relationships into employment. This section will explore these interactions beginning with two cases where they occur within work and personal relations respectively and then moving on to more complex cases.