Mistress Pao and her daughter Cinnabar-Cinnamon had arranged to move to their new quarters during the Festival of Mid-Autumn. They were determined not to stay in their old quarters, not even for an hour, after Fragrant Jewel had climbed into her bridal palanquin and been carried away together with her mother. As soon as she heard the music, Fragrant Jewel hastily slipped her feet into her slippers, patted her hair, straightened her hair ornaments and hurried to the door. She looked like a fairy floating down from the ninth heaven on a phoenix. As Fragrant Jewel made her way to the bridal palanquin, Cinnabar-Cinnamon accompanied her and they embraced for the last time. As Cinnabar-Cinnamon was about to enter their new home, she had a strange vision: a handsome young man, an academic student wearing mourning white, stood before her, waving a gold-bespeckled fan in front of her and smiling, as though inviting her to come nearer.