S. Ferenczi wrote of unconscious dialogues “where, namely, the unconscious of two people completely understand themselves and each other, without the remotest conception of this on the part of the consciousness of the other”. Ferenczi’s ideas of mutual analysis and active technique are experiments or offshoots of the idea that the unconscious of individuals are in dialogue with one another and that they co-create experience. The unconscious dialogues through which experience is mutually created are not readily appreciated through conventional notions of unconscious and conscious process or the linear logic that characterizes psychoanalytic explanations in the main. Among relational phenomena, correspondences are prime illustrations of the unconscious dialogues that frame subject relations. Reverberations of mutual subjectivity are integrated and brought to awareness through transformations from unconsciousness to consciousness, symmetry to asymmetry, interior to exterior, and self to other that constitute the dialogues of the related unconscious.