The legacies of left realism, feminism and victimology provide critical criminology with a platform from which it launches itself forward. Prominent among these legacies is the injunction to treat harmful forms of crime with methodological and theoretical. For the social scientific investigation, a serious philosophical debate on the ontology of harm distinguishes the core and peripheral harms. Criminology will define problems only in terms of the competing hard and soft administrative solutions. Harmful crime, violence, intimidation, victimhood, cynicism, nihilism and destruction of communities are some of the substantive criminological elements that represent the liberal-capitalist system. The localized existence of concrete universals is important to criminological research because it suggests the sub-disciplines of victimologies and ethnographies that combine the ultra-realist mode. They are the one who suffers the disaster of capitalism. They are the victims of the crimes of its corporations and politicians, but ultra-realism focus on the crimes of the cynical predatory.