Art begins through the sacrifice of faithfulness to efficiency. Cloquet worked as a surgeon at Hopital Saint-Louis, and was interested in measurements of facial angles, emphasizing the importance of measuring overbite when the jaw and teeth protruded as well as the vertical length of same features. The plate featured five skulls in profile, or, beginning from the top, that of a woman aged ninety years; below, right, Bichat's skull, and to the left, that of the Hottentots Venus; and at the bottom right, the skull of an orangutan, and to its left, that of a wolf. Coquets atlas is interesting because its publication marked the end of a period that began in the 1770s, when PERTs Camper conducted studies on his theory of the facial angle. An entirely theoretical opposition could in part be resolved by certain forms of sequential expression. Camper did not seek to trace a line of demarcation, even a mental one, between different types of humans.