You might expect that a book for couples would start with descriptions of “falling in love,” “making love” or “how to communicate.” However, we are starting with the heart of what unites all people! In the above quote, child psychiatrist John Bowlby at the Tavistock Clinic in London declared what many practitioners and researchers of his time had been reluctant to admit; that is, humans need other humans. Our natural state is to need each other for companionship, intimacy and support to negotiate life’s twists and turns and to share life’s joys and sorrows. This fact applies whether you are male or female and no matter what strata of society or country of the world you come from. For some of you, it may be a relief to have this basic need for closeness acknowledged. For others, it may be a foreign idea that it is normal and healthy to depend on other people. For others yet, it might be a threatening idea to depend on other people or have others depend on you. You may be used to being completely self-sufficient.