This chapter presents the 'Marxism and the New Humanity: An Unfinished Revolution'. Marxism claimed, namely, to translate the progressive ideas of liberalism into reality, to take them out of the sphere of mere values, out of the entire ideological sphere, and to make the concepts of freedom, equality, and justice for all real. Marx broke with the liberal tradition by insisting, that only a revolution could establish real freedom, equality, and justice. 'Protosocialism and Late Capitalism: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis Based on Bahro's Analysis' was first published as 'Protosozialismus and Spatkapitalismus'. Bahro finally breaks with the distinction between socialism and communism. Socialism is communism from the very beginning and vice versa. The industrial working class, according to Marx, is the historic agent of revolution, not only because it constitutes the human basis of the process of production, but also because it is free from the competitive and aggressive needs generated by the capitalist system and satisfied in that system.