Once students are acquainted with the fundamental aesthetic and conceptual principles of the cinematic language, they are ready to transform a written screenplay into a story, told in images and sound, which plays out across a screen. There are three essential tools used to previsualize a film: the shooting script, overhead diagrams, and storyboards. These tools are also critical for communicating the film's visual style and shot selection to the entire crew. It's important to understand that a director is not alone in the previsualization process and that a smart director will draw on the experience and expertise of his creative team. Cinematographers are knowledgeable about practical techniques and technical capabilities, which the director might not know. The important creative collaboration that informs previsualization is the one between the director and actors. The production manager, assistant director (A.D.), and associate producer all function as overseers of the practical, financial, and logistical feasibility and progress of the film.