This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in preceding chapters of this book. The point of Gender, Sex, and Politics is to promote post-oppositional critical awareness of gender, sex, and politics. The book brings together various perspectives about key issues in contemporary sexual politics. It includes points, counterpoints, and different points on sexual pleasure and safety. Many authors critically interrogate the ways in which race, class, gender, and geography intersect with sexual politics. By considering a variety of perspectives in a point-counterpoint-different point framework, Gender, Sex, and Politics promotes critical thinking, encourages debates about the issues, and provides tools for readers to think carefully about what is at stake when it comes to contemporary policies, legislation, and cultural trends in the public arena. The chapters in this book are written by experts, activists, and educators, all concerned with issues such as sexual harassment, reproductive rights, pornography, premarital sex, kink, and queer rights.