What Are You Doing to Sabotage Yourself? There’s a simple fact of life that is true for all of us from time to time. I’m referring to those things we do, often unconsciously, that prevent us from moving forward in life and business. These could be behaviors or attitudes based in fear or things that have simply become habit. Whatever they may be, they can have the very deleterious effect of stopping us dead in our tracks. So, what’s the solution? It’s quite simple, really. Just stop doing whatever it is that you are doing that holds you back. OK, it’s often not quite that simple, but you cannot change a behavior, habit or fear until you are aware that it exists. Only then can you can begin work on reversing or stopping it. Popular comedian Bob Newhart was known for the way he looked at common situations from an off-beat perspective. His routine titled simply, “Stop it!” was the inspiration for this chapter. Scan this response code to watch the Youtube video, or search “Bob Newhart Stop It” at Youtube.com. When you stop laughing, come back to this chapter and find out how many of these common behaviors might be holding you back. Then get to work and just stop it! STOP ACTING All acting is about creating a believable reality of the moment. If are “pretending,” if your presentation is artificial in any way, or if you are trying to be real, you are acting. The best acting is not acting. To be real in the moment of any script … Stop Acting!