Brazil’s Natura Cosméticos 1 was founded in 1969 as a protest against the traditional, highly chemical cosmetics industry. The founder, Luiz Antonio Seabra, started a small laboratory and shop in his Sao Paolo garage. The idea was to produce cosmetics that would support inner as well as outer beauty, and personal well-being as well as healthy relationships with others. Natura is a highly ideological company, presenting its corporate beliefs with the following words:

Life is a chain of relationships. Nothing in the universe exists alone. Everything is interdependent. It is our belief that the appreciation of the importance of relationships is the foundation of an enormous human revolution in the search for peace, solidarity and life in all its manifestations. 2

Natura has built an image as an ecofriendly, sustainable company (using natural products, working towards sustainable environment, and social support, etc.). The company also prides itself on strong research and development activity. It uses ordinary women rather than supermodels in its advertisements.