A feature of renewable resources is that they have a maximum sustainable yield (MSY). If utilization consistently exceeds this limit, and renewable resources turn into non-renewable resources, then permanent damage will result. People should increase levels of re-use of recyclable, non-renewable resources wherever this is economically viable, and economize as possible on the use of such resources. The major difference between human resources and knowledge resources is that the former increase as they are used and developed, while the latter remain constant qualitatively and quantitatively. In modern industrialized societies, goods made of materials such as metal, glass and paper are used once and then thrown away. The result is to reduce stocks of the world's high-grade ore, to fill city garbage dumps to overflowing, and to increase pollution, in many communities, to intolerable levels. Citizens should make more aware of the nature of the world in which they live so that they gradually learn how to co-exist harmoniously with nature.