Coaching can be thought of as helping employees to become the best they can be by making the most of their overall capabilities. Coaching positions employees to work more effectively and cohesively in their environments, whether working with individuals, teams, or leading organizations. A survey of more than 200 companies in 19 countries describes the state of coaching in organizations today (Morgan, Harkins, & Goldsmith, 2005):

Coaching is most often used for developing leadership capability. ◾ Coaching, by and large, focuses on behavior change. ◾ The top reasons for coaching are to enhance current performance and to ◾ correct performance issues. When coaching is chosen over other development methods, it is largely because ◾ coaching can be tailored and customized to meet individual circumstances. The use of internal coaches has been institutionalized in most organizations, ◾ whereas the use of external coaches for senior executives is on the rise. Internal coaches are generally rated more effective than external coaches. ◾ Coaching can be targeted to any level of management or leadership, from ◾ lower levels in the organization to its most senior executives. The success of coaching is most often measured by achieving agreed-to ◾ changes in behavior and performance. 360-degree feedback is the most frequently used tool in conjunction ◾ with coaching.