Parents expressed concern and offered their child favorite foods, implying that eating in response to this expression of their affection would be proof of love for them. With a behavioral approach emphasizing rewards for eating, the court physician was able to help the boy to gradually restore his weight and health. Throughout history, anorexia nervosa has gradually evolved to be a specific disease entity. Numerous etiologies and manifestations have been associated with this eating disorder. The patient practices binge eating that consists of uncontrollable, recurrent overeating, most often outside of normal meal time in a driven pre-preemptory pattern-disrupting routine daily activity. Anorexia nervosa is a disorder that most commonly affects females in their teenage and young adult years. Physicians of the 18th and 19th centuries often thought of anorexia nervosa as a female disease, attaching terms such as “nymphomania,” “hysteria,” and “the wandering womb disease.”.