Social roles are not roles one plays in the theater or personality roles, such as that of a leader or a follower, but life roles that are the foundation of our relationships with our families, friends, work, and community. Some social roles are spouse, community member, student, and friend. Individuals learn social roles throughout their lives in a developmental manner and normally act out a number of different roles at the same time. The more disabling the mental illness, the more it affects the learning of and ability to sustain social roles. The overwhelming effects of the sequelae of schizophrenia can clearly affect an individual's ability to learn or carry out social roles. Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenic disorders often have deficits in learning and/or maintaining the task and interpersonal skills necessary to enact positive, socially acceptable roles. The theoretical base of Role Development focuses on an individual's need to learn and feel competent and successful in social roles.