In the course of making a revised version of Aristotle, I rather casually interpolated some teleological terms which are usually associated with possibility when it takes on metaphysical significance. The metaphysics that results is often called dynamism; the term is derived etymologically from the Greek word which means possibility or potentiality. Perhaps the reason that possibility is avoided in contemporary science is the supposed bad company it keeps in metaphysics. I mentioned this in the Introduction in connexion with ethics; it certainly calls for some more thorough treatment. This does not mean, however, that I am going to enter the field of metaphysics proper. I shall stay within the methodological universe of discourse in spite of the fact that I shall talk about metaphysical problems. What I have to say will be no more than a few suggestions for method in dealing with two problems of metaphysics; teleology is one of them, and that will involve the other, internal and external relations. Please note the warning that I am not expounding a metaphysics and, therefore, will not give any complete treatment of these problems.