The first I heard of Bertrand Russell was in the 1930s when haIfa page, with portrait, was devoted to vituperating him in the Hearst Sunday paper. I can't remember the particular occasion; I think he was just being denounced on general principles as an enemy of the people, an atheist and immoralist. He was quoted as having described his outlook as like that of Lucretius - an opening which the author exploited in this way: 'All we know ofLucretius comes from Bishop Eusebius, who in his Chronology notes for the year 55 Be: "T. Lucretius Caro died. Having been driven mad by a love potion, in intervals ofsanity he wrote some poems which were edited by Quintus Cicero." 'That's the kind ofman Russell is (the furious scholar continued): an admirer of sexual psychopaths.