Distinguishing psychosocial research from biologically oriented, neuroscience research is difficult and amounts to an artificial distinction, because all so-called psychological reactions have a cerebral biological basis. That there are linkages between these two disciplines is acknowledged in the very terms psychosomatic and somatopsychic. Moreover, many researchers directly pursue the bridges between these disciplines under the aegis of psychobiology, psychoneuroim­ munology, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychopharmacology, or biopsychosocial re­ search. For that reason, the same research may be referred to here under both psychosocial and neuroscience headings. The main arguments for making such distinctions here are to acknowledge the fact that there are two academic disci­ plines labeled “psychology” and “biology” and to assist readers who initially want to focus more on one scholarly field over another to do so, even if they do so transiently and temporarily.